

篇名 幼兒數概念與數學教學探討研究
並列篇名 Exploring children's mathematical concepts and mathematical teaching
作者 蔡淑桂
中文摘要 本研究目的在強化幼兒園啟迪幼兒數學智能與增進幼兒數概念之學習成效。研究對象以台北市幼兒園二個園所之二個大班班級為主,一個園所實施數學智能教學方案模式,另一園所為傳統教學形式。研究時間長達一年。研究工具除使用「幼兒數學能力測驗」瞭解幼兒前測、 後測之數概念發展差異外,另發展適合測試幼兒數學智能之評量工具。研究步驟方面,經一年時間,不同教學方案的教導後,進行對幼兒數概念的前、後測測量。資料處理上,用F考驗統計驗證二班幼兒數概念發展的差異性。研究結果有二方面:1.幼兒數學智能教學模式之實驗組幼兒的數概念發展和對照組有顯著差異,實驗組幼兒的表現也優於對照組。2.整理教師有關數學智能教學之省思訪談記錄。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to reinforce the effectiveness about preschoolers' intelligences and learning of mathematical. Two kindergarten classes were selected with one class adopting mathematical intelligence model of teaching program and the other one, the traditional teaching method. "The Test of Early Mathematics Ability" was used to measure the differences of the development of children's mathematical concepts before and after the implementation of these two methods. Additionally, a proper evaluating tool to assess children's mathematical intelligences was developed by this study. The author measured the mathematical concepts of children before different teaching methods were adopted and then did the posttest one year later. F-test was used to examine the differences between children's mathematical concepts of two top classes. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between experimental group's and control group's development of mathematical concepts. Experimental group's performance was better than that of control group.
頁次 111-126
關鍵詞 數學智能 數概念 Mathematical intelligence Mathematical concept
卷期 10
日期 201303
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系