

篇名 基于儿童对说谎的道德认知和评价研究的德育反思
並列篇名 The Moral Reflection Based on the Research of Lying Moral Cognition and Evaluation about Children
作者 黄铃
中文摘要 儿童说谎行为是一个较为普遍的现象,在道德教育中也是一个较为棘手的问题。本文从儿童关于说谎的道德认知发展和道德评价发展的角度出发,发现了当前针对说谎的道德教育中,存在的一些问题:“白谎”影响了儿童的道德发展并且在一定程度上影响了德育的效果;歪曲的集体主义教育,也在一定程度上对儿童的说谎认知和评价产生了消极影响;生活中成人的榜样作用在说谎行为方面给儿童造成了消极影响。本文基于上述的德育问题尝试提出一些德育建议。
英文摘要 Lying is a common phenomenon and is also a difficult problem in moral education. This article, based on children lying moral cognition and moral evaluation analysis, indicates three problems which discovered from the angle of moral education. Firstly, “white-lying” influences the children's moral development about lying and becomes the block in the moral education. Secondly, distortion of collectivism education, to a certain extent, also makes negative influence on the moral cognition and evaluation of lying for children. Thirdly, the bad example in the lying behavior of adult in daily life causes negative influence to children. This article analyses the cause of these problems and tries to give some advice to solve them.
頁次 048-053
關鍵詞 儿童 说谎 道德认知 道德评价 反思 Children Lying Moral Cognition Moral Evaluation Reflection
卷期 7:10
日期 201010
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學