

篇名 副校长:甘做绿叶衬红花
並列篇名 Vice-headmaster:Prefer to Be Green Leaves to Accompany Red Flowers
作者 向守万
中文摘要 副校长是学校行政核心成员。作为副校长要甘做绿叶,甘为人梯,为教师专业成长牵线搭桥,为校长治校方略的落实当好忠实助手;要精通业务管理,独当一面;要带头工作,率先垂范;要引领教师,共同提高;要协调关系,和谐发展。
英文摘要 Vice-headmaster is one of key administrators in school. As a vice-headmaster, you should prefer to be green leaves to accompany red flowers, and to be ladders for others, you should give some advice for professional development of teachers, it is a loyal assistant who should carry out headmaster's strategies of school management; vice-headmaster should be proficient in business management, working independently. You also should take the head and set an example for others in work, in order to co-improve; you should coordinate relationship and make the development harmonious.
頁次 30-45
關鍵詞 副校长 助手 管理 工作 发展 vice-headmaster management work development
卷期 6:12
日期 200912
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學