

篇名 美国的[公校私营]运动及其对我国教育委托管理的启示
並列篇名 Private Management of Public Schools in America and Its Implication for the Education Trusteeship in China
作者 王湖滨
中文摘要 美国的[公校私营]运动与我国的教育委托管理有异曲同工之处。早在20世纪90年代,美国的教育管理组织就开始涉及公立教育领域,其中营利性教育管理组织引发的争议和关注最大。然而,教育管理组织在提高学生成绩上不能让公众满意,也没有达到通过规模经营而盈利的目标。因此,美国[公校私营]运动中出现的问题值得我们关注和借鉴。
英文摘要 Shanghai is carrying out public education trusteeship in full swing and Pudong District has been at the front in China. Looking at the world, the Private Management of Public Schools in America serves the same purpose as the education trusteeship in our country. Early in the 1990s, Education Management Organizations began to set foot in the public education, and the For-profit EMOs have aroused great controversy and received much attention. However, EMOs cannot satisfy the public by increasing students’ achievement or gain profits through scale operation. So the problems of the Private Management of Public Schools in America deserve our attention and we can draw lessons from it.
頁次 46-50
關鍵詞 公校私营 教育管理组织 教育委托管理 Private Management of Public Schools EMO Education Trusteeship
卷期 7:3
日期 201003
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學