

篇名 我国基础教育公平与均衡发展政策研究的历史走向
並列篇名 The Historic Trend of the Research in Policy of the Equity and Balanced Development of the Basic Education in China
作者 吴遵民 、邓璐
中文摘要 基础教育公平与均衡发展不仅关系着国民素质的基本保证、整体提升和社会进步,同时也关系到个体学习与发展权利的实现。为了使教育事业得以良性循环和不断发展,就要求实现受教育者的人格完善及个人兴趣爱好受到充分的尊重,这不仅是全民素质得以整体发展和提升的基本需要,同时也是新的历史时期赋予的新的社会使命。面对这一新的教育课题,如何消融当前社会中出现的教育不公平现象和基础教育发展的不均衡弊端,就必须从政策学的宏观视角去进行深入的探索与研究。本文梳理了20世纪80年代以来各界学者对促进基础教育均衡发展、实现教育新的公平所作的政策探索,并从法学、伦理学、经济学、社会学和教育学等学科视角进行了综合分析和研究,以期为新时期基础教育公平和均衡发展政策和策略的提升提供可资参考的理论与实践基础。
英文摘要 The equity of basic education and balanced development are essential to the national quality, and also related to the realization of individual learning and development right. In order to improve the development of education, it requires that peoples’ perfect personality and personal Interests should be respected. This is not only the basic needs of the development of national quality, bus also given the new historical period of a new social mission. In the face of this new subject of education, how to avoid the disadvantages of the inequities and uneven development of basic education appeared in the current society which should be study from the macro-depth exploration of a policy perspective. This paper summed up various academics’ researches on the policy study of the equity of basic education and balanced development since the 20th century, 80 years. And from the perspectives of the law, ethics, economics, sociology and pedagogy, it has been for a comprehensive analysis and research in order to improve the policy and strategy of equitable and balanced development of education.
頁次 21-26
關鍵詞 基础教育 公平 均衡发展 政策 综述 the Equity of Basic Education Balanced Development Public Policy Summarize
卷期 7:6
日期 201006
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學