

篇名 日本偏僻地区义务教育教师质量保障制度研究
並列篇名 Research on Assurance System of Compulsory Education Teachers Quality in Rural Japan
作者 金红莲(Jin, Hong-lian) 、秦玉友(Qin, Yu-you)
中文摘要 从社会学意义上看,日本“偏僻地区”的特征更接近中国的农村。偏僻地区教育发展关系到当地经济增长和文化发展,优秀师资是促进偏僻地区教育发展的关键。从20世纪50年代开始,日本制定《偏僻地区教育振兴法》及与之配套的相关教育政策,这些法律为保障日本偏僻地区义务教育学校在职前培养和吸引优秀师资以及职后培训等方面提供了制度支持。深入研究日本偏僻地区义务教育教师质量保障制度对我国农村义务教育教师队伍建设具有重要意义。
英文摘要 The conception of secluded areas in Japan is closer to that of rural areas of China from a sociological sense. The education in secluded areas is important to the economic growth and cultural development,and quality teaching staff is the key to educational development there. The Education Promotion Law of Japan’s Secluded Areas in 1950s and other educational relevant legal documents following it were enacted and carried out,which provided legal backing for pre - service teacher training,financial support to attract quality teachers and in - service teacher training. It is significant for Chinas rural compulsory education teacher development to study the institution of teaching staff in secluded areas Japan.
頁次 106-112
關鍵詞 日本 偏僻地区 义务教育 教师质量 保障制度 Japan rural areas compulsory education teacher quality security system
卷期 11:2
日期 201404
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學