

篇名 [第三类]普通高中的课程取向及其对策
並列篇名 The Schooling Orientations and Countermeasures of Class III General High School under the Context of the New Curriculum
作者 吴建华
中文摘要 当下,新课程实施轰轰烈烈,新课改高考跃跃欲试,作为课程或考试主体的学校、学生恰似山雨欲来风满楼,作为普通高中的弱势群体----[第三类普通高中],更是雾里看花。怎样在新课改中找准定位、寻求对策,关系到学校生存与发展问题,关系到学生的终身发展。
英文摘要 Nowadays, the implementation of the new curriculum is vigorous; someone are itching for a chance to do something about new curriculum reform and the college entrance examination; as the subject of the curriculum or the exam, schools, the students seemed like the wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm; class III general high school, as the vulnerable groups of the ordinary high school, is like looking flower in fog. The problems of how to properly define its roles in the new Curriculum Reform and to seek measures are the big problems that related to the school survival, development, issues, the student's lifelong development and the comprehensive quality.
頁次 27-29
關鍵詞 三类普通高中 新课程 新高考 办学取向 对策 Class III general high school the new curriculum the new college entrance examination Schooling orientation Countermeasures
卷期 6:12
日期 200912
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學