

篇名 农村教师学习校本保障机制缺失的成因与解决路径
並列篇名 The Causes and Solutions for Lack of School-Based Supporting Policies on Rural Teacher Learning
作者 王凯
中文摘要 建立健全教师学习保障机制是加强农村教师队伍素质的重要保障。然而许多农村学校缺少教师学习保障机制,更有甚者设置了限制教师学习的条款。造成这一局面主要由于农村学校广泛存在学习时间不足,学习经费紧缺,学习引领匮乏,学习取向“离农”,学习观念片面,学习文化消极等问题,使得农村教师校本学习保障机制可有可无。解决这些问题可以从实施经费分级管理,转变学习观念,加大政策扶持力度,实现农村教育文化扬弃等多个方面着手。
英文摘要 It is the fundamental guarantee to strengthen quality of rural teachers that establishing and perfecting the supporting policies on them is needed. Many a rural school, however, lacks those policies, even restricts teachers to getting further learning. Although rural schools prepare the polices, none of them works, due to shortage of learning time, fund and leadership, training without considerations for rural characteristics, false conceptions of learning, and passive learning culture. It is necessary to implementing classification management of fund, transforming the conception of learning, enhancing the government supports, and developing rural educational culture, in order to solve those issues.
頁次 022-026
關鍵詞 农村 教师学习 保障机制 现状 成因 解决路径 Rural Teacher Learning Supporting Polices Status Quo Solutions
卷期 7:11
日期 201011
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學