

篇名 对因材施教中[休谟问题]的考察
並列篇名 Inquires about the Hume Problem Hide in the [Differentiated Instruction]
作者 夏正江
中文摘要 学生在准备水平、兴趣爱好、能力倾向和学习风格等方面存在[差异]是一个客观存在的[事实],从这一事实出发,何以能够得出应当为不同的学生提供有[差异]的教学这一[价值]判断?前后两种[差异]的跨越何以可能?针对这一休谟式的问题,本文试图从[哲学]和[科学]两个方面加以解答。论文把因材施教的哲学理由归结[发展个性]、[追求最佳]和[实现平等];把因材施教的科学理由归结为两个方面,包括诉诸直觉和类比的前科学论证,以及诉诸ATI(能倾教法相互作用)研究的科学论证。
英文摘要 The readiness, interest, aptitude and learning style among the students in regular classroom is evidently different, and this is a hard [fact] that everyone admit. However, how can we make a conclusion from this hard [fact] that the we should treat the students differently in teaching process, that is, how can we derive the [ought] to from [is]. This paper attempt to resolve this problem that Hume proposed in the 18th century by seeking the reasons why we need the differentiated instruction from the philosophical and scientific viewpoint. The philosophical reasons consist in [developing one’s unique potential], [do one’s best by enhancing one’s strongness and remedy one’s weakness], and [realizing the educational equality]; As to the scientific reasons, some come from institution and analogy, some come from scientific evidences such the [aptitude treatment interaction] (ATI) research.
頁次 6-11
關鍵詞 因材施教 哲学的理由 科学的理由 differentiated instruction philosophic reason scientific reason
卷期 6:3
日期 200903
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學