

篇名 历史教学中学生的批判性思维养成
並列篇名 The Cultivation of Critical Thinking for Students in High School History Instruction
作者 冯青来
中文摘要 中学历史教学中的批判性思维是指中学生在历史学科的课堂教学中,根据历史事实和历史唯物主义的基本观点,通过大脑的认知加工,对历史事实、观点、规律等作出正误判断并形成新认识的活动。批判性思维的养成理应成为中学历史教学的重要目标之一,然而,当前历史教学中重知识轻能力,传统的填鸭式教学占据主流,忽视学生批判性思维的养成的状况仍然没有得到有效改变,素质教育和新课改理念在历史教学中未能得到充分体现。本文结合历史教学案例,分析了在历史学习中学生批判性思维养成的必要性和可能性,并进一步探索了历史教学中批判性思维养成的实践途径。
英文摘要 The critical thinking in high school history instruction refers to the cognitive activity that students make proper judgment to the historical facts, views and laws and form their own interpretation according to the fundamental principles of historical materialism. The cultivation of critical thinking should be one of the most important aims of history instruction. However, problems exist in current history instruction such as focusing too much on the mastery of knowledge but neglecting the cultivation of students’ capability. And the cramming teaching is still very popular. So the development of students’ critical thinking should be stressed. This paper analyzes the necessity and possibility to develop students’ critical thinking in history classroom. It explores some approaches to cultivate the critical thinking in history instruction.
頁次 35-39
關鍵詞 批判性思维 中学历史教学 学生 养成 critical thinking high school history instruction students cultivation
卷期 6:2
日期 200902
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學