

篇名 新移民女性的增能培力:以「中華民國南洋臺灣姊妹會」參與者為例
並列篇名 The Study of Empowerment of Newly Immigrant Women: A Case of TransAsia Sisters Association, Taiwan
作者 游美惠;張婉如
中文摘要 本研究探討參與「中華民國南洋臺灣姊妹會」的6位新移民女性透過學習、工作及社會參與獲得增能之相關歷程。研究者透過參與觀察及深度訪談,發現這6位新移民女性因為參與了民間團體而有機會學習與就業,從中不僅個人成長,產生力量,甚至參與社會運動,更積極影響社區和公共事務的決策,改變了周遭人對「外籍配偶」的觀感。她們從學中文、識字的「學習者」,轉換到擔任多元文化種子教師的「教學者」;從需要別人協助的「被幫助者」,轉換為「助人者」。研究者期望能夠透過本研究呈現出新移民女性展現能動性的積極面,希望能讓臺灣社會的大眾從多元文化的觀點認識新移民女性。
英文摘要 This research focused on the empowerment of the newly immigrant women from “TransAsia Sisters Association, Taiwan”, the first non-government internationality organization for immigration women in Taiwan. Through participant observation and in-depth interview, it is found that these newly immigrant women empowered and acted themselves through learning, working and social commitment which have eventually changed people’s perception toward them. Furthermore, in terms of coalition with other social activists, they also subtly influenced the decision making of immigration policy.
The research found that these six newly immigrant women transformed themselves from the role of “learners” in Chinese language class to “instructors” of multicultural courses; from those who needed to be “assisted” to those who “assist” others. In a multicultural society, it is expected that people are not only able to respect the cultural differences, but also to recognize and appreciate the achievement and contribution made by the newly immigrant women. It is also hoped this research would bring some multicultural implications for future researches on newly immigrant women in Taiwan.
頁次 001-033
關鍵詞 中華民國南洋臺灣姊妹會;新移民女性;增能培力;TransAsia Sisters Association Taiwan (TASAT);newly immigrant woman;empowerment
卷期 18
日期 201206
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等