

篇名 運用HD 理論解析孫子奇勝思想-以孔明空城計的積極求解為證
並列篇名 Using Habitual Domain Theory to Analyze “Win by Strange Moves” of Sun Tzu -illustrated and verified by Kung-Ming’s Active Problem Solving of Empty City Strategy
作者 林金順(Lin, Chin-shun)
中文摘要 游伯龍教授研創的「習慣領域」學說,為世人智慧開啟了新境界,我們從前在讀歷史故事時,看到許多令人難以置信的史實,總認為是不可思議的行徑,今天透過HD 結構的剖析,終於找到真正的答案,實在是令人驚嘆不已。游教授的習慣領域(HD)相關理論中,最令人 著迷的是「習慣領域內涵」的探索,最具實用價值的則是「行為法則」中「積極求解」的運用,本文嘗試透過
這兩個理論,以大家耳熟能詳的「孔明空城計」為印證,結合【孫子】的「知勝」與 戰爭的「道、天、地」三大基本要素而善用「奇勝」的高智慧,以見證HD理論的實用價值,並與同修分享如何透過HD 這一萬能(通用) 工具,深入探索如迷般的史話與解讀其成敗關鍵,以引發大家善用HD 的興趣,相信對推廣此一學說將會有所助益。一般人在看「三國空城計」這段故事時,都只看到諸葛亮巧用兵法的「虛實難測」與「奇正互換」原理,以及兵不厭詐的「詭道之用」,讓司馬懿不敢冒險而自動退兵,感到無限感佩,但是如果經由HD理論的深度解析,才洞察原來是他們兩人都在同樣的潛在領域裡,針對對方的核心理念作出天衣無縫的完美演出,不禁深感讚嘆不已。人類智慧的啟悟大致分由兩個途徑,一是源自「知識理論」的鑽研與探索,二是經由「通識經驗」的觀察與體悟,二者殊途同歸,各有不同價值,本文非屬學術論文,為了便於大眾閱讀與理解,因此超脫了嚴謹的學術論文寫作規範,只要能取得任何一點的認同與共鳴,便已達到預期目標,希望讀者能一本HD 無限寬廣的視野與包容度,不必過於荷求其學術論文的框架規範。
英文摘要 Habitual Domain (HD) Theory, initiated by Yu, has opened up a new horizon of wisdom. Reading many dramas of historic records/stories often gives us incredible feeling of human behavior. Using HD to analyze the dramas allows us to find the hidden truth in the depth of the dramas, which is a great astonishment and exclamation. Two most fascinating parts of HD theory, from my viewpoint, are the exploration of the contents of HD and applications of active problem solving which have the most realistic value in all behavioral codes. Based on these two parts and“Tao, Heaven, Earth” of war of “Knowing Victory” of Sun Tzu, with a deep exploration we illustrate and verify the application value of HD theory and share with
the reader the key success factors in the fascinating dramas. This might inspire further applications of HD. When reading “3 Kindom-Empty City Strategy”, most people greatly admire the extraordinary talents of Kung Ming in his application of “Principle of War”, especially the interchange of “existence and nonexistence”, “strange and normal”, and “deception”, which made Sima Yi retreat. However, if we explore the drama by HD theory into the depth, we would get the insight that these two persons indeed had same potential domain and collaborate almost perfectly using their core concepts.Humans obtain their intelligence through either academic theoretic exploration or empirical observations. In order to help readers understand, we detach our self from strict academic writing. If we can gain any resonance, we already achieve our goal.For the sake of unlimited horizon of HD and tolerance, please do not require strict style of academic writing.
頁次 085-101
關鍵詞 孫子 習慣領域 空城計 Sun Tzu Habitual Domains Empty City Strategy
卷期 3:1
日期 201111
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會