

篇名 自我复杂性模型研究述评
並列篇名 Self-complexity and Coping
作者 孙晓玲 、邱扶东 、吴明证
中文摘要 Linville的自我复杂性模型认为,高度分化的自我概念(自我维度数量少且维度间的相似性低)能够通过防止情绪扩散缓冲压力事件的消极影响。相关研究有的证实了这一假设,有的则未获得相关证据。研究者认为结果存在差异的主要原因在于对以下问题尚存分歧:自我复杂性反映的是整合还是分化、内容与结构的关系问题等等。研究者由此提出将自我复杂性的重叠成分单独研究,或者将内容和结构相结合的方法对模型做了一定的修正。作者在回顾上述文化的同时提出,未来研究需要清楚地进行概念界定,澄清其作用机制和选择有效的研究方法,由此促进自我复杂性理论的进一步发展完善。
英文摘要 The self-complexity model proposed that a highly differentiated self-concept protected against the depressogenic impact of negative life events. Linville's influential prospective study appeared to support this proposition. Subsequent reports have raised questions about the construct validity of Linville's operationalization of self-complexity (defined by the degree to which self-reported personality descriptors are dispersed across self-aspects), as well as the robustness of a buffering effect of self-complexity. Despite some efforts to modify the model, there's no significant progress because of the inconsistent definition of self-complexity, lack of effective research method and representative samples. Future work should engage in improving all of these aspects accordingly. Implications of the findings for the study of self-knowledge structure and its relation to psychological well-being were discussed.
頁次 338-343
關鍵詞 自我复杂性 压力 分化 整合 分裂 self-complexity stress differentiation integration fragmentation
卷期 15:2
日期 200703
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所