

篇名 艺术教育对大学生心理疏导的作用研究
作者 严佳
中文摘要 大学生心理问题已经成为当今高校面临的一项重要课题与难题,艺术教育作为一门普及课程,对学生调节情绪、缓解心理压力、重树信心具有非常积极的指导作用。本文通过对中国高校艺术教育现状的分析,探索如何创新教育形式与教学手段,深化艺术教育,提出普及艺术教育的合理化建议。从课程安排、建立大学生艺术团、创办艺术社团、安排艺术教育讲座等方式提供思路,使学生产生多角度思维能力、排解心理压力能力,从而保持身心健康发展。
英文摘要 There is no denying the fact that psychological problems are becoming serious among college students. As a public subject, arts education plays an important role on college students’ psychological persuasion. By analyzing current situation of arts education in university, a discuss about how to innovate teaching method and deepen arts education is held in this paper to give some reasonable advice on making arts education popular. Through arts courses arrangement, founding student arts societies, and holding arts education addresses, college students will gradually obtain the ability of all-around thinking and solving psychological pressure, which helps to keep their body and mind healthy.
頁次 29-31
關鍵詞 艺术教育 大学生 心理疏导 Arts education College students Psychological persuasion
卷期 405
日期 200912
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部