

篇名 成人多元智能教學設計在外籍配偶識字教學之應用與反思
並列篇名 The Application and Reflection of Adult Multiple Intelligences Teaching Design in Immigrant Spouse Literacy Teaching
作者 鄒秀惠(Tso, Hsiu-hui)
中文摘要 多元智能理論(multiple intelligences theory,簡稱MI)自一九八三年提出至今已有二十多年了。這套理論的創始人Howard Gardner主要是鑑於傳統智力測驗的評量窄化了人類的智慧面向,反對智力只限於筆紙測驗衡量出來的成績。在透過多方資料的蒐集,上百篇文獻的閱讀及臨床的實驗觀察,以種種的實證資料來區辨出人類的八種智能。MI理論早期的應用以初、中等教育為主,由於在美國廣被接受且試用成效良好,因此促使成人多元智能(Adult Multiple Intelligences,簡稱AMI)教學研究的展開。從美國各成人教育機構的相關研究與發現可知,透過MI的精神所發展的教學活動,確實促進了成人學習者的明顯進步,但由於這些實驗教學是分散在各種不同的機構中由各個教師自行觀察記錄的結果,因此分析其中四個與本主題有關的成人應用MI理論的教學實驗結果與發現(Besty Cornwell、Wendy Quinones、Terri D. Coustan、Diane Paxton),找出AMI教學的重要發現,並以此主要精神實際應用於筆者所執教的外籍配偶成人基本教育班教學中,透過實際教學設計與實施,分析教學過程中的相關問題與觀察結果,並透過對受教學員的訪談資料分析,進一步思考成人多元智能教學法在識字教育上的啟示與建議,以提供實務教學者作為發展以中文為第二外語的成人識字教學實務設計之參考。
英文摘要 Multiple intelligences theory (MI) is a definition and conceptualization of human intelligence. Introduced by Dr. Howard Gardner, MI theory includes the concepts that intelligence is pluralistic, encompassing at least eight intelligences (linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal, and interpersonal). MI theory has been widely applied at the pre-K-12 level in American. The Adult Multiple Intelligences (AMI) Study was the first systematic effort related to multiple intelligences (MI) theory in adult literacy education. From case studies of National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL), researcher applies these findings to immigrant spouse literacy class in Taiwan. Through the practical teaching design and both observation and interviewing adult learners, researcher also presents several findings and suggestions for immigrant spouse's literacy education in Taiwan. And the main focus in on some problems of Chinese language learning and teaching.
頁次 37-73
關鍵詞 成人學習 多元智能 教學設計 外籍配偶 識字教育 成人基本教育 語言學習 漢字教學 教師專業成長 Multiple intelligences Adult basic education Adult learning Adult literacy Teacher improvement Theory practice relationship Teaching design Immigrant spouses Chinese language learning
卷期 3
日期 200412
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等