

篇名 公立教保員在權力關係中之衝突事件與調適方法探究
並列篇名 A Study of Public Preschool Educare Givers' Conflict in Workplace Power Relations and Coping Strategies
作者 莊媚婷(Chuang,Mei-Ting ) 、蘇育令( Su,Yu-Ling)
中文摘要 本研究瞭解三位公立幼兒園教保員所經歷權力關係中的衝突事件為何,也藉由過去華人在權力關係中忍耐歷程的文獻,來討論教保員在權力關係中的調適。本研究發現三位教保員與教師間權力關係會因工作職掌及角色扮演有所不同;再者,三位教保員在幼兒園中面對的衝突有:人際互動及教學部分。最後,三位教保員調適方式包括忍耐、向他人傾訴、協調及抗爭等調適方法。但因其在幼兒園職責不盡相同,所以產生衝突之後,其所採取的調適方式也因著個人因素、園內不相同而有著不同的調適方法。盼此研究發現能提供他人看見幼兒教育場域中,專業人員間的權力關係、人際衝突與調適方式。最後根據研究發現,研究者分別就教保員、幼兒園及後續的研究提出相關建議。
英文摘要 The aim of this study was to find out the conflict events under power relations from three educare givers who work at public preschools as well as to recognize how they adjust themselves during conflict. Furthermore, the researcher reviewed the literature related to the forbearing process from Chinese culture during the power relations to further discuss the adjustment of educare givers under power relations. The research revealed the power relations between the three educare givers and teachers varied according to the duty and role at work. Secondly, the conflicts that the three educare givers faced at the preschools included: interpersonal relationship and teaching. Lastly, the methods of coping strategies that the three educare givers took include forbearing, talking to others, negotiation and fighting. However, the adjustment after conflicts varied in terms of their duty at the preschools, personal factors, and the atmosphere from the management level of the preschools. The Researcher hopes the findings of this study could provide a reference to others to see the power relations, interpersonal conflicts and coping strategies among practitioners at early childhood education. In the end, the researcher provided relevant suggestions for educare givers, preschools and future research according to the findings.
頁次 061-084
關鍵詞 公立幼兒園 教保員 權力 衝突 調適 Public Preschool Educare Giver Power Conflict Adjustment
卷期 16
日期 201601
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系