

篇名 日本超級科學高中設立計畫
並列篇名 The Program for Super Science High School in Japan
作者 許健將
中文摘要 超級科學高中(Super Science High School, SSH)是日本文部科學省(Ministry ofEducation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)為加強科技教育,並提升大眾對科技知識的了解,所提出的課程改革計畫。該計畫始於2002年,在該計畫擬推動之初,正值日本於2000至2002年連續三年計有四人獲得諾貝爾自然科學獎,因此,日本政府乃提出在未來50年內培育出30個諾貝爾獎得主的宏願,使得SSH計畫得以很快實踐。超級科學高中的設立,完全採菁英主義式的科技教育人才培育模式,至今已歷經10年,其做法與取向頗值得注意及參考。
英文摘要 The designation of Super Science High School (SSH) is a program on developing public literacy for Japanese people by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It started in 2002, by then there were 4 Nobel Prize winners in 3 successive years, so Japanese government proposed a vision that there will cultivate 30 Nobel Prize winners in the coming 50 years, hence the SSH program then soon be taken into practice. The target of super science high school aims to cultivate elites with special educational programs based on training talents in science and technology. This approach has been used for ten years and such science-oriented teaching method is worth of our attention and reference.
頁次 067-077
關鍵詞 超級科學高中 菁英主義 高瞻計畫 super science high school elitism high scope program
卷期 225
日期 201301
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司