

篇名 國小書法專長教師養成歷程之調查研究-以臺中市為例
並列篇名 A study of the develops process about calligraphy professional teacher in elementary school-Take Taichung municipal as an example
作者 黃馨儀(Huang, Hsin-yi)
中文摘要 由於九年一貫課程實施後,國小語文領域包含三種課程,內容甚多,使語文節數減少,導致寫字教學受到排擠,許多學校不但時數減少,甚至完全不上,因而我國的文化精粹有失傳之虞。近兩年,臺北市、彰化縣國小相繼恢復書法課,臺中市教育處於九十七學年度亦發函公告,全面恢復書法教學,每學期以四堂課為主。這項政策的推行,表示縣市政府已體認到文化藝術須深耕於基礎教育的重要性。但國小是否有充足而適任的書法師資?師培機構是否具完整的課程規劃,以及未來如何重新定位書法教學的價值性等,是值得深入探討的問題。因此研究者對臺中市國小書法教學實施現況以及書法專長教師作問卷調查後,加以統計分析,期望研究結果,可供師資培育機構及相關單位參考,強化國小書法師資的專業素養,才能厚植國民的文化藝術素養。
英文摘要 After Grade 1-9 Curriculum carrying out, the language domain contains the national language, Southern Fujian language, and English three kind of curriculum in the elementary school, causes the language Periods to decrease relatively, in “listened, saying that to read, writes, does”, the calligraphy curriculum to receive pushes aside, not only many schools reduce the hour, even did not .cause our culture to have succinctly
completely is lost the risk.In the recent two years, Taipei, Zhang-hua County request the country slightly to restore the calligraphy class one after another, department of education in Tai-chung also send the letter announcement the first semester of 2007 academic year, the elementary
school restore the calligraphy teaching comprehensively, for each semester four classes.How to locate the value in calligraphy and so on in the future, is the worth question which have to discuss thoroughly.
According to the research results .I will expect to provide as the reference that The Teacher Education and education administration unit. Strengthen to grow the teachers of calligraphy cultural curriculum. The talent is thick to plant the citizen's artistic accomplishments.
頁次 105-136
關鍵詞 臺中市國小 書法專長教師 師資培育機構 養成歷程 elementary school in Tai-chung calligraphy professional teacher centers for teacher education cultivate process
卷期 44:2
日期 201010
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學