

篇名 量化課程研究方法論之省思
並列篇名 Reflection on the Quantitative Curriculum Research Methodology
作者 許朝信(Hsu, Chao-shen)
中文摘要 國內課程領域研究在質性與量化典範上雖有短暫討論,很快地質性研究典範便被接受,質性研究愈來愈多,而量化研究相對地被忽略,導致質性的研究方法成為課程研究的主流。然而,自從19世紀社會學家孔德提出「實證主義」後,便開啟了西方社會對於「科學哲學」的一系列的探討,亦可說開啟了往後研究方法論的基礎。量化研究方法實有其不可磨滅的歷史地位。本文透過對於量化課程研究方法論演進之探討,除了了解它在教育科學研究中之歷史地位外,更可得知此種方法論之變革情形。再者,探討量化課程研究方法之優點、限制及應有之認知調整,以便採行此種研究方法時有更正確的認知,以利研究發現更具客觀性、價值性及效能性。
英文摘要 There were brief debates on qualitative and quantitative paradigms in the curriculum research in Taiwan. The quantitative research was ignored, on the contrary, the qualitative research was accepted and the amount of research adopting qualitative paradigm has been increasing. This condition resulted in qualitative    research method being    the mainstream of curriculum    research. However,    since    the sociologist, Comte, put forth the Positivism in the 19th    century, it had conducted a series of enquires on philosophy of science    in western society. At    the same    time,    it established    the foundation for    the    later research methodology. Henceforth it established the inerasable clout of quantitative research methods in history. Through    the    investigation    into    the quantitative curriculum    research methodology,    this article has the purpose of understanding the historical meaning of the quantitative curriculum research methodology    in scientifc    research of education and    thus knowing    the changes of    this methodology.
Moreover,    investigating    into    the strengths,    limitations and necessary adjustment of cognition of    the quantitative curriculum    research methods will    improve our cognition when we adopt such    research methods, which will make our fndings more objective, valuable, and effective.
頁次 23-40
關鍵詞 方法論 量化 課程研究 Methodology Quantitative Curriculum research
卷期 15
日期 200906
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所