

篇名 发展性口吃的脑机制
並列篇名 Brain Mechanism of Developmental Stuttering
作者 徐杏元 、蔡厚德
中文摘要 口吃是一种常见的言语障碍,对此曾提出过大脑半球言语功能偏侧化异常假设。近期,发展性口吃的神经成像研究在支持这一经典假设的同时,还发现负责言语监控的颞叶系统和负责言语运动控制的额叶系统与皮层下脑结构存在功能失调,这可能损害言语产生时的精确时间控制。据此,研究者开始用神经网络的观点来解释发展性口吃产生的脑机制,认为患者可能存在由多个言语产生相关脑区构成的“双通路”网络的功能障碍。
英文摘要 Developmental stuttering is a popular speech disorder, about which there has been a hypothesis that laterality of brain speech function could be abnormal in stutterers. Recently, the evidences from neuroimaging studies of developmental stuttering support this classical hypothesis as well, and indicate that the temporal system responsible for speech monitoring, and the frontal system as well as subcortical structures related with speech motor control are dysfunctional, which impair precise timing for speech production. According to these, researchers argue the brain mechanism of stuttering with the neural networks, and suggest that “two-loop” networks including multiple brain regions involved in speech production could be disrupted.
頁次 326-332
關鍵詞 发展性口吃 偏侧化 言语监控 言语运动控制 “双通路”网络 developmental stuttering laterality speech monitoring speech motor control two-loop networks
卷期 15:2
日期 200703
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所