

篇名 Teaching Activities of Translation in Four Skills and Five Skills of Foreign Languages
並列篇名 外語四技能與五技能中的翻譯教學活動
作者 張水木(Chang, Shui-mu)
中文摘要 本文藉外語教學四技(聽說讀寫)並重及五技(聽說讀寫譯)並行的演進過程,簡述翻譯教學活動在外語教學課堂中所存在的角色及其所呈現的功能。
英文摘要 This essay is to focus the idea on teaching activities of translation in Four Skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and in Five Skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating) , in which the translation role and translation function in foreign language class are more different since 1990s.
From the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries up to now, the traditional foreign language teaching has taken the same model of native language teaching for a long time. And Four Skills are emphasized in teaching process, in which translation activities are informal and unlisted. From 1920s to 1980s, different teaching methodologies are created step by step, only the Grammar-Translation Method explained about the necessary translation in class in detail, another approaches or methods in foreign language classroom only have limited or supplementary teaching activities of translation. Therefore, teaching activities of translation in foreign language classroom have never played an important role in Four skills before 1990s.
From 1980s to 1990s, translation competence and translation teaching have been more concerned than before. From 1990s up to now, international interaction and cross cultural communication are clearer than before, in which communism has gone down in 1990s and globalization has grown up at the same time. These are the changing time and turning point for the translation development in real life and in instructional indicator. Under the influence of this condition, Five Skills in teaching have become a new tendency, in which translation is equal with listening, speaking, reading and writing in foreign language classroom. Therefore Five Skills and Four Skills of teaching activities are developed and implemented side by side practically more than some decades before and after the late twentieth century.
頁次 073-080
關鍵詞 teaching activities of translation four skills five skills 翻譯教學活動 四技能 五技能
卷期 1
日期 200607
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學