

篇名 试论后现代课程观语境下我国中小学教师角色的转变
並列篇名 The Role’s Conversion of the Teachers in Primary and Secondary School inside the Domain of the Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum
作者 杨捷 、王艳琴
中文摘要 后现代课程观强调在开放的、互动的、共同的对话中重建师生关系,开放性和互动性、多元性和差异性、反对权威和去中心化是后现代课程观的基本理念。后现代课程观催化传统教师角色由[权威者]转变为[平等中的首席],由知识的[传递者]转变为学生学习的[促进者],由课程[执行者]转变为课程的[研究者]、[开发者]。后现代课程观拓展了我国中小学教师角色研究的视野。
英文摘要 The post-modern perspective on curriculum emphasizes that the teacher-student relationship is reconstructed in an open, interactive, and common dialogue. Openness and interactivity; diversity and differences; anti-authority and de-center as well as concerned about the learners’ self-awareness and creativity are the basic characteristics of the post-modern curriculum. The post-modern perspective on curriculum makes the traditional teachers’ role transfer from the [authoritative person] into the [equality in chief], from the [transmitter] oh the knowledge into the [facilitator] of the students’ learning, from the [enforcer] into the [researcher ], [developer] of the curriculum. The post-modern perspective on curriculum has expanded our study horizon of the teachers’ role in the primary and secondary school.
頁次 52-55
關鍵詞 后现代课程观 教师角色 师生关系 the Post-Modern Perspective on Curriculum the Teachers’ Role the Teacher-Student Relationship
卷期 7:7
日期 201007
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學