

篇名 How to Teach English Writing Metacognitively in Taiwan EFL Classroom
並列篇名 將「後設認知理論」應用於英文寫作課
作者 游毓玲(You, Yu-ling)
中文摘要 本論文旨在說明將後設認知理論融入英文寫作教學的方法,藉以幫助台灣從事 英文寫作教學的老師以及學習英文寫作的學生,克服英文寫作的困難與問題。後設 認知(metacognition)係指一個人了解或知道他自己的認知狀態與認知活動;後設認 知覺知(metacognitive awareness)在學習活動中扮演非常重要的角色,因為當吾人具 有後設認知覺知、有意識的知道自己所經歷的認知過程,我們就可以監控與調節我 們的認知活動。本論文強調老師需要具備後設認知的知識( teaching with metacognition ) , 並且教導學生後設認知的知識與策略( teaching for metacognition)。老師應該了解並且反省自己的教學過程;為了教導學生後設認知 的知識與策略,學生必須學習什麼是策略(what)、如何使用策略(how)、以及 何時以及為什麼使用策略(when, why)。本論文提出三項將後設認知理論融入英 文寫作教學的原則與步驟,希望能幫助老師實際將後設認知理論應用於英文寫作教 學中。
英文摘要 This paper intends to integrate the metacognitive theory into EFL writing instruction so as to provide an alternative solution to the difficulties and problems in EFL writing class that challenge both teachers and students in Taiwan. Metacognition is knowing about knowing, is one’s conscious awareness and knowledge of his cognitive state and activities. It is important for one to possess metacognitive awareness of his cognitive activity such as learning, for one can then monitor and regulate his cognitive actions once he is consciously aware of the cognitive process he undergoes. This study emphasizes the importance of both teaching with metacognition and teaching for metacognition. To teach with metacognition, an EFL writing instructor should think about and reflect upon his or her own teaching. And when instructors teach for metacognition, students can learn about what the strategies are, how to use the strategies, when and why to apply the strategies, and to regulate their cognitive activities. Three guidelines are proposed for EFL instructors to make metacognitive teaching as an integral part of writing instruction.
頁次 121-142
關鍵詞 metacognitive theory EFL writing EFL writing instruction 後設認知理論 英文寫作 英文寫作教學
卷期 2
日期 200801
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學