

篇名 傅科的關注自身倫理學及其對國中性教育之啟示
並列篇名 A Study of Foucault's Ethics of the Care of the Self and Implications for Sex Education in Junior High School
作者 李慧娟
中文摘要 當今性價值觀念分歧,國中青少年性行為及相關問題逐年增加。偏重疾病與懷孕預防之性教育,恐只減少負面結果,而無法有效發揮正向效果。關注自身倫理學為傅科對古希臘人進行倫理系譜學的研究結果。本文從自我修身、自我建構、身體與性、婚姻倫理與歡愉實踐等五層面探討關注自身倫理學,並省思其對國中性教育的啟示,包括一、重視自我修身及倫理主體之建構;二、推展有益身心的養生觀;三、重視平等與性歡愉的婚姻倫理;四、發展倫理主體的新愛慾觀。本文最後根據探究之結果來提出結論與建議。
英文摘要 The diversity of sexual norms and values has increased in recent decades. At the same time, issues relating to adolescent sexual behaviors have also increased year by year. Although sex education which focuses on disease and pregnancy prevention may succeed in reducing the occurrences of these negative issues, it does not necessarily succeed in encouraging development in a positive direction. Foucault's genealogical research into ancient Greek and Roman ethics resulted in his ethics of the care of the self. This paper explores this ethics of the care of the self on the five dimensions of self-cultivation, self-constitution, physical health, marital fidelity and love loyalty. The implications for sex education in junior high schools are then considered in relation to this ethics. Implications include: 1. helping individuals to foster self-cultivation and to constitute themselves as ethical subjects; 2. promoting the concept of a regimen which is good for both the body and the mind; 3. enhancing the belief in marital loyalty and equality; 4. developing a new erotic concept of the ethical subject. Finally, this paper offers conclusions and suggestions in accordance with the results of the research.
頁次 17-50
關鍵詞 傅科 關注自身倫理學 性教育 Foucault ethics of the care of the self sex education
卷期 9:2
日期 201012
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院