

篇名 合并高等学校多校区管理模式的研究
作者 马建 、顾建国 、赵炜华
中文摘要 合并高校是由两所或两所以上原功能齐全、行政独立的院校组建而成的,一般拥有多个校区,如何充分发挥各个校区的资源优势,实现各校区功能最优化,是大部分合并高校所面临的且必须解决的重要问题之一。本文对多校区管理面临的主要问题与措施进行了分析探讨。
英文摘要 The merger of colleges and universities is achieved by merging of two or more full-featured Uehara, independent administrative institution. Generally speaking, it consists of a number of campuses. How to give full play to the advantages of various campus resources, the realization of most Gejiao Qu optimization is one of the important issues facing most of those merge (of) colleges and universities need to be addressed in this paper, the major issues facing multi-campus management and the measure to resolve them are universities need to be addressed in this paper, the major issues facing multi-campus management and the measure to resolve them are discussed.
頁次 1-2
關鍵詞 合并 高校 多校区 管理模式 研究 Colleges and universities combined Multi-campus management Research
卷期 369
日期 200812
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部