

篇名 The “Shaping Fantasies” of Inset Playlets in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
並列篇名 《仲夏夜之夢》中戲中戲的「型塑幻境」
作者 儲湘君(Chu, Hsiang-chun)
中文摘要 本研究探討戲中戲的戲劇意義。戲中戲往往並置兩個或兩個以上的戲劇世界,讓觀眾一窺現實與幻相交織與糾纏的戲劇世界與現實世界。戲中戲映照著主戲本身的戲劇性,舉凡選角、排演、現場舞台演出等皆映襯著主戲。《仲夏夜之夢》一劇將劇場與戲劇表演融入劇情,呈現出英國早期戲劇經常可見的自我反身性,透過一班戲中戲演員的演出,該劇將戲劇藝術的種種問題呈現於觀眾眼前。
英文摘要 This study examines the significance of an inset playlet, or a play-within-a-play. An inset playlet can lend a fuller insight into the interplay of illusion and reality, presenting two, sometimes even more, different planes of dramatic illusion. It mirrors the larger play in some detail, from the casting of roles, rehearsing, and playacting on the same stage, to matching a play to an audience.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream brings up the subject of theater and theatrical performance in their dramatic action, the internal theatrical practices reflecting the self-conscious and self-reflexive impulses common in the early modern period. By bringing in a group of players, the play draws our attention to the whole business of theater. A Midsummer Night’s Dream plays up the nature of dramatic performance, including the impersonation of the player and the falsification of feelings. Bottom discloses his real-life identity as a weaver during his performance in Pyramus and Thisbe, thus questioning the genuineness of Pyramus’s playacting pretense, a gesture underscoring his own theatrical impersonation and pretense as Bottom.
The predominance of self-reflexivity and self-consciousness in A Midsummer Night’s Dream highlights its self-analysis. Through using the metatheatrical device of an inset playlet the comedy holds up a mirror that keeps reflecting itself and defines itself as a medium where illusion, imagination, reality and truth may meet and interact.
頁次 149-160
關鍵詞 A Midsummer Night’s Dream an inset playlet a play-within-a-play metatheater theatrical self-reflexivity 《仲夏夜之夢》 戲中戲 後設劇場 戲劇自我反身性
卷期 3
日期 200807
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學