

篇名 大學知識技術轉移平台之探究--以美國技術移轉環境特色為借鏡
並列篇名 The Research on Transfer of Knowledge and Technology in Universities : Lessons from a Sample of Technology Transfer Environment in America
作者 王宗坤
中文摘要 規模不大的企業基於成本考量,很難自行研究及技術發展,必須仰賴與高等教育機構的技術互動來協助發展,但基於大學校院和企業兩種組織概念及文化上的差異,透過技術移轉環境的連結,是建立彼此良好互動,成就知識應用的良好做法。大學校院服務社會,佇立於產學合作的浪潮,依據技術移轉環境建立技術能力以面對衝擊,勢在必行。本文目的即透過美國技術移轉環境特色的分析,探討我國技術移轉環境的現況與面臨的問題,進而建構我國大學校院知識與技術互動平台應具備的技術能力,以提供大學未來治理的參考。大學技術移轉服務的技術能力內容包括智財權的管理、技術仲介、資訊服務、教育訓練等四大範疇,大學應致力於上述四項經營技術能力的提升,以提升產學合作雙方技術的互動。其次,本文也從學校治理與社經環境兩個層面提出建議,以做為未來學校治理跨出校園,推動產學合作經營的參考。
英文摘要 Because of capital constraints, it is difficult for small industries to do research and develop technologies by themselves. They must rely on the assistance of higher education institutions. However, to overcome the cultural differences between universities and industries, constructing technical transfer environment is a good way for knowledge applications.
The main purpose of this paper is to explore the current condition and problem of technical transfer environments in Taiwan by comparing with the characteristics of technical transfer environments in USA, and then to construct the university’s technological capabilities for transferring knowledge and technologies. The university’s technological capabilities include the management of intellectual property rights, technology agency, information service and training. University needs those four capabilities for increasing the interaction and cooperation between industries and universities. Another purpose of this paper is to offer suggestions according to university governance structure and social economic environment to help universities manage and operate industry/ university cooperation in the future.
頁次 155-190
關鍵詞 產學合作 技術移轉 技術能力 大學經營 Industry University cooperation Technology transfer Techno-logic capability University management
卷期 2:1
日期 200706
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會