

篇名 越南籍新移民女性在臺灣中文學習之經驗探究
並列篇名 A Study on Vietnam Female Immigrants’ Chinese Learning Experience in Taiwan
作者 黃柔理(Jou-Li Huang) 、陳易芬(Yih-Fen Chen)
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在探究新移民女性在臺灣中文學習的經驗。本研究採用質性研 究的方法,透過人脈邀請四位越南籍新移民女性,以預擬的訪談大綱進行半結構訪 談。逐字稿分析的結果包含受訪者中文學習的動機、影響中文學習的因素、參加中文 學習課程後的影響,以及參加中文學習課程的經驗。新移民女性學習中文的動機,主 要有以下三個:(1)為能取得臺灣身分證;(2)為了指導孩子的課業;及(3)欲 融入臺灣社會。而影響中文學習的有利因素,主要來自於(1)家人的支持與鼓勵; 及(2)中文學習上課時的良好互動。不利的因素則有(1)上課時間與工作時間難以 兼顧;(2)家人反對或孩子無人照料;(3)中文識字及書寫難度高,學習產生挫折; (4)開設中文學習課程的地點離家太遠;及(5)上課時,聊天的時間過多,影響中 文學習的進度。參加中文學習課程後的影響有(1)有助於環境的適應;(2)增加親 子的互動;及(3)增進自我效能與自信。針對研究結果提出四個建議:(1)開設新 移民女性中文學習課程專班;(2)以中文能力分級認證取代部分職業證照考試之學 歷資格要求;(3)舉辦親子共學中文活動;及(4)設立新移民專屬諮商輔導中心, 以協助輔導新移民女性在台灣的各種心理困擾。 本研究期望研究結果,能提供新移 民輔導單位做為協助新移民女性時的參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study is to explore female immigrants’ Chinese learning experience in Taiwan. This research adopts the qualitative research approach and uses the pre-designed outlines to conduct the semi-structured interview of four Vietnamese female immigrants. The results of the research include the motives of learning Chinese, the affecting factors of learning Chinese, the influence after learning Chinese and their experience of attending Chinese-learning classes. It is found that learning Chinese assists female immigrants to live an independent life, to increase the communicative interaction with their families, and thus, to strengthen their self-efficacy and confidence. According to the findings, the motivations of learning Chinese are to: (1) apply for Taiwanese ID cards; (2) supervise and instruct their children’s schoolwork; and (3) improve their Chinese ability for better social inclusion in Taiwan. The beneficial affecting factors are support and encouragement from their families and good interaction in Chinese-learning classes. The unbeneficial affecting factors are (1) night Chinese-learning class schedule overlapping with their job’s duty time; (2) disapproval of their families or lack of child-caring assistance ; (3) frustrations on Chinese literacy and writing; (4) Chinese-learning location being remote from their dwellings and, (5) excessive chatting time in Chinese-learning class disturbing their Chinese learning progress. There are several influences after learning Chinese: (1) It facilitates them to better adapt to Taiwanese society; (2) It increases the interactive affection with their children and; (3) It establishes their confidence and self-efficacy. According to the results, some suggestions are provided as follows: (1) to design the female-immigrant-oriented Chinese learning curriculum; (2) to replace some diploma requests of specific professional tests with Chinese proficiency certificate; (3) to hold mother-kid Chinese co-learning activities or classes and, (4) to set up the immigrants’ counseling center to help solve their mental problems. We expect to provide the results to female immigrants’ organizations as reference and further research on female immigrants’ Chinese learning in Taiwan.
頁次 103-126
關鍵詞 中文學習 新移民女性 質性研究 Chinese learning female immigrant qualitative research
卷期 28/29
日期 201606
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所