

篇名 EGP or ESP: Rethinking College English Instruction
並列篇名 一般英語或專業英語:反思我國大學英語教學
作者 陳璧清(Chen, Pi-ching)
中文摘要 身處於地球村中,為了與他人進行良好的溝通,應精進國際語言英語。大學院校負有培育人才的重責大任,一般英語(EGP)與專業英語(ESP)教學已成為重要的研究議題。本研究旨在反思當今的大學英語教學並探討ESP 課程的供與需之間的差距。本研究以隨機抽樣方式,針對300 位商管教育背景的大學生以及300 位跨國高科技企業的員工進行問卷調查的量化研究。再則,本研究亦邀集10 位大學商管背景教師與10 位跨國企業高階主管進行深度訪談以蒐集質化的資料。本研究發現企業員工一般英語與專業英語的能力不如大學生;擁有較高學歷、職稱與服務年資企業員工的專業英語能力較佳;我國專業英語課程的供需之間存在極大的差距。本兼具質化與量化研究的意義在於審視當今大學英語課程教學現況,並提供建構更適切的大學英語課程規劃之參考。
英文摘要 To communicate well with others in this global village, people need to learn how touse the de facto international language, English. Because colleges and universities have aresponsibility to cultivate talent, teaching and research on both English for generalpurposes (EGP) and English for specific purposes (ESP) have become key issues. Thepurpose of this study was to review current college English instruction and to explore thegap between supply and demand for ESP instruction. This study randomly sampled 300business college students and 300 employees from multinational high-tech enterprises totake the questionnaire survey. In addition, 10 business instructors and 10 CEOs ofmultinational enterprises were invited to take part in interviews. The findings of thisstudy included that enterprise employees were less proficient in EGP and ESP thancollege students, that enterprise employees with higher education, higher position andservice seniority were more proficient in ESP, and that there existed a wide gap betweensupply and demand for ESP instruction. The significance of this study is that it providesan insight into current college English instruction in Taiwan, and can thus be used todevelop a more relevant curriculum for higher education.
頁次 143-164
關鍵詞 English for general purposes (EGP) English for specific purposes (ESP) English for academic purposes (EAP) English for occupational purposes (EOP) Needs analysis 一般英語 專業英語 學術英文 職場英文 需求分析
卷期 6
日期 201001
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學