

篇名 論地方課程發展機制與課程改革
並列篇名 On the Developmental Mechanism of Local Curriculum and Curricula Reform
作者 陸明玉 、李森
中文摘要 自1992年地方課程正式提出至今,地方課程經歷了近20年的發展。擁有年輕生命的地方課程難免遭遇荊棘與障礙,本研究立足於課程改革的宏觀背景,在辨析相關概念的基礎上,考察地方課程發展面臨的困境,並力圖從困境中尋找路徑。受國家相關政策、地方教育行政管理,以及學校實施制衡的地方課程,亦受其內源性因素:價值取向的釐定、課程目標的確立、課程內容的選擇、課程的實施及課程的評價等的影響。那麼,合理定位地方課程、統整各內外因素、探索良性的地方課程發展機制,或許是地方課程發展的關鍵路徑。地方課程的發展可說對課程改革具有重要意義。
英文摘要 Since the beginning of it in 1992, local curriculum has developed for almost 20 years. Like every new things, it is unavoidable for local curriculum to meet some difficulties. Based on the macro-background of curricula reform, after defined the conception of related terms, the article tries to find the countermeasures by analyzing the difficulties and problems of the development of local curriculum. Apart from the laws of the nation, regulations of local educational administration and school, the local curriculum will also be affected by its inner factors, such as curriculum value, curriculum aim, curriculum selection, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. So the key approach to explore the developmental mechanism of local curriculum is to establish exact position for the local curriculum by integrating all the factors. In all, development of local curriculum is very important for curriculum reform.
頁次 017-029
關鍵詞 地方課程 發展機制 課程改革 local curriculum developmental mechanism curriculum reform
卷期 6:2
日期 201109
刊名 課程研究
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司