

篇名 Comparison of Two Phonics Approaches on Chinese L1 EFL Beginners’ Letter-Sound Knowledge: Evidence from Word Reading and Spelling
並列篇名 兩種Phonics 教學取向之於提升台灣兒童英文初學者「字母- 字音對應知識」的貢獻:從「讀字」與「拼字」表現來看
作者 鄭育霖(Cheng,Yu-Lin)
中文摘要 本文比較兩種不同 Phonics 教學取向之於提升台灣英語初學學童「字母-字音 對應知識」的成效。兩種教學取向的設計理念、字音-字母規則的教學順序,以及 教學進行都有明顯差異。學習成效評量指標依循文獻傳統,以「讀字表現」與「拼 字表現」為主。研究參與者為來自同一偏鄉國小的100 位小三英語初學學童。學童 共分成兩組,接受12 堂「額外」Phonics 課程。甲組接受以「現行教學取向」理念 設計的Phonics 課程,乙組接受以「揭示取向」理念設計的Phonics 課程。實驗結果 發現:兩組在「讀字」與「拼字」作業的「前測」表現成績相當,但在兩項「後測」 作業表現上乙組優於甲組。此結果反應出乙組的「字母-字音對應知識」優於甲組。 研究結果顯示以「揭示取向」理念設計的Phonics 課程能較有效率地提升台灣英語 初學學童的「字母-字音對應知識」。本文最後筆者提供將「揭示取向」理念設計的 Phonics 教學融入國小英語教材/課程的一些教學建議。
英文摘要 The present study examined whether the attainment of Chinese L1 EFL beginners’ letter-sound knowledge could be given a shot in the arm by utilising a revelational phonics approach (the RPA) that highlights rather than shrouds the complexity of English orthography. Chinese L1 EFL beginners (N =100), from the same underprivileged school, formed two groups to attend a 12-session phonics training course, designed with the essence of either the existing phonics practice within Taiwan’s Primary English education (the EPP) or the RPA. Those taught through the RPA outperformed those taught through the EPP in reading (sounding) and spelling unknown (unpractised) words, both of which are important early literacy skills identified in the alphabetic L1 literature as being underpinned by a good foundation in letter-sound knowledge. Such findings suggested that, compared with the EPP within the Taiwanese Primary English curriculum, the RPA was a significantly more effective approach to improving Chinese L1 EFL beginners’ letter-sound knowledge. Suggestions on the integration of the RPA curriculum into Taiwan’s Primary English education were discussed.
頁次 001-022
關鍵詞 字母-字音對應知識 Phonics 教學 讀字表現 拼字表現 English letter-sound knowledge phonics instruction spelling word reading
卷期 12:2
日期 201407
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學