

篇名 自我調整寫作策略教學對國中學習障礙學生寫作能力之研究
並列篇名 The Effects of Self-regulated Strategy Development Instruction on Opinion Essays Writing Among Second Grade Junior High School Students with Learning Disabilities
作者 陳瑋婷
中文摘要 本研究採「跨受試多基準線實驗設計」,以探討自我調整寫作策略教學對國中二年級學習障礙學生議論文寫作之影響。三位研究對象取自彰化縣田尾國中,利用六個月的時間,依序對三位受試者進行教學及評量。評量內容包含受試者議論文得分、文章總字數及作文內涵分析等部分。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of self-regulated strategy development instruction on opinion essays writing among second grade junior high school students with learning disabilities. The study was conducted by using single subject multiple-baseline across individuals design. Three participants with learning disabilities were selected from Tian-wei junior high school in Chang-hua County and were instructed and evaluated for six months. The assessments were conducted im mediately after instruction to explore the scores of opinion essays, the length of articles, and the quality of articles. The results showed that self-regulated strategy development instruction improved the participants' scores and quality of articles. Two of the participants wrote longer opinion essays after instruction.
頁次 171-194
關鍵詞 自我調整寫作策略 學習障礙學生 議論文寫作 Self-regulated strategy development Students with lea rning disabilities Opinion essays writing
卷期 14
日期 200506
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系