

篇名 轮机英语语法的特点及学习技巧
作者 李玉玲
中文摘要 轮机英语是航海类专业院校中轮机工程专业学生的必修科目,也是他们参加海事局组织的海船船员适任考试的考试科目之一,是一门很重要的课程,但同时,也是他们学习的难点之一。大多数学习者反应,轮机英语词汇多,语法结构复杂,学习比较吃力。因此本文从几个方面分析了轮机英语语法方面的特点,以及学习技巧,希望对学习者有所帮助。
英文摘要 English of Marine Engineering is one of the required courses for those who study in Marine Colleges, and it is also one of the tested subjects when they take part in the Competency Test for Marine Certificate.    It is a very different subject as well as it is an important one.    Most students said that is contains too many technical terms and its grammar is complicated.    In order to help students to learn the course better, this paper analyzes the peculiarities of its grammar and    gives some methods on how to learn the course.
頁次 76-77
關鍵詞 轮机英语 法特点 学习技巧 English of Marine Engineering Grammar peculiarities Learning skills
卷期 393
日期 200908
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部