

篇名 校本课程开发:他国的经验与我们的策略
並列篇名 School-Based Curriculum Development: Other Countries' Experience and Our Strategy
作者 鲍道宏
中文摘要 校本课程开发上世纪六十年代末从西方兴起,七十、八十年代达到鼎盛。八十年代后期及至九十年代,校本课程开发落入低潮。 从此,西方一些学者开始探索校本课程开发再概念化,寻求课程在国家层面与学校层面开发的平衡。九十年代末,我国将\"学校课程"纳入中小学课程体系, 2001 年开始在中小学试验、推广。作为后继者,我们要积极学习西方经验,领悟西方校本课程开发本质,在追求校本课程开发的终极教育目的基础上,探索具有中国特色的校本课程开发策略,建立与中国文化特点相协调的校本课程开发模式。
英文摘要 School-Based Curriculum Development ( SBCD) sprang up in the western in the end of 1960s , and it was at its zenith during the 1970s and 1980s and declined dramatically from the last of 1980s. Since then , some western scholars began to inquire into reconceptualizing school-based curriculum development in order to find the balance between the centralized and decentralized extreme. SBCD ,which was adopted in the school curriculum in Mainland China in 1990s ,was put on trial and popularized. As the late comer , we should learn the westerners' and grasp the spirit of SBCD completely but not rigidly adhere to form and the words. We must adopt Chinese strategy to implement SBCD , and find a suitable model which SBCD can be carried on reconciling with Chinese culture.
頁次 041-074
關鍵詞 课程改革 校本课程开发 校本课程开发再概念化 校本课程开发策略 curriculum reform school-based curriculum development ( SBCD ) reconceptualizing SBCD strategy of SBCD
卷期 10:4
日期 201308
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學