

篇名 關於人的習慣領域研究的美塔分析一以JHD為例
並列篇名 Meta Analysis on Human Habitual Domains -A Case Study of JHD
作者 李偉俊(Wei-Chun Li)
中文摘要 本研究係以習慣領域期刊(Journal of Habitual Domains, JHD)當中有關於「人」 的習慣領域之解析研究,共計十一篇進行美塔分析(meta analysis )。研究者從美 塔學方法學的觀點出發,先對每篇研究所提及的人物進行基本背景資料分析後, 進一步再對每一篇研究所發現的研究結果與結論進行整合性的歸納比較與統合 分析。
本研究在進行美塔分析後得到研究結論與建議如下:1.不論古今中外成功 的名人,不分性別、年齡和其成就領域,經回溯分析其生命歷程或故事,都符應 習慣領域學說的一些基本概念和原理;2.本研究進行美塔分析的十一篇關於人 的習慣領域之解析研究,大多數從七大光明心態和八個擴展方法以及九個深智慧 原理等HD三大工具箱進行解析;3.對於這十一篇的美塔分析後的結論與建議 是:習慣領域存在於本研究所提及的十一位成功名人的内心與生命歷程當中,若 能有效擴展其習慣領域,除能追求己身的自我實現之外,更能進一步成就與利益 他人,達到己立立人和己達達人的理想習慣領域的境界。
英文摘要 This study is a research on the analysis on human's habitual domains on Journal of Habitual Domains (JHD). A total of 11 papers were conducted for Meta analysis.
The researcher started from meta study and analyzed the basic background information of the characters from each paper. Then the researcher conducted a consolidated comparison and integrated analysis on the findings and conclusion of each paper.
The findings of this study are stated in the following.
1. Regardless of the ancient and modern success of important figures, without taking into consideration of gender, age, and achievement areas, the findings and conclusion of each paper go along with the basic concept and principle of the habitual domains theory through backward analysis of their stories and life experience.
2. The study is conducted mostly employing Seven Bright Faith, Eight Basic Methods for Expansion, and Nine Principles for Deep Knowledge of the Habitual Domain.
3. The final conclusion from meta analysis of 11 papers can be stated as: Habitual domains can be found in the heart and life experience of these 11 important figures mentioned in the study. If we can expand their habitual domains, we may further benefit others and help others achieve their goals except pursuing our own enrichment to attain the ultimate ideal of habitual domains.
頁次 103-117
關鍵詞 習慣領域 美塔分析 七大光明心態 八擴方法 九深原理 Habitual Domains Meta Analysis Seven Bright Faith Eight Basic Methods for Expansion Nine Principles for Deep Knowledge
卷期 4:2
日期 201306
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會