

篇名 不只是彩虹: 一個骨癌孩童之生命史研究
並列篇名 Not only a rainbow: Life history of with malignant bone tumor
作者 鍾秀鳳
中文摘要 本研究乃一骨癌孩童之生命史研究,「驚、愫、難、念、盼、尋」種種巧合展開難捨緣分。以澄心為主軸對其脈絡探索追溯生命歷程。得到以下結論:一、貫穿骨癌孩童的生活哲學是圓融求全。二、生成脈絡受到社會文化、佛教信仰以及家庭脈絡影響。三、癌末包含:孤單、封閉、膽小、苦悶、害怕、失聲、知足及淡然等情愫。四、提供癌症病患鼓舞強心針、協助家屬陪伴護理參考、醫病關係美化橋樑、生命意義探尋、印證宗教信仰安神效果、死亡教育視為終身學習教育。五、研究展延分成「學術層面」及「實務層面」。這是一篇未完的故事,生命雖已消逝,但故事不會停止
英文摘要 This research was to discuss one life of a child who had cancer in the bones.「Startle, Sincerity, Disaster, Wish, Hope, and Search」. Countless coincidence makes me encounter this girl whose name is Angel. Take Angel as main contextual to search for relative veins trace her life by participative observing. Finally I get some conclusions as follows. First, the life philosophy of this child is open and clear. She wishes to be the one who is expected. The factors that impact her life are social culture, Buddhism and family relation. With regard to her last life includes lonely, self-contained, fearful, dejected, scare, loss position, contentment and to treat with indifference emotions. This research supplies some contributions. In the first, it can provide positive stimulate that inspires patients. Secondly, it can provide consult that helps family members and nurses accompany with patients. Besides it can form combinative bridges between patients and doctors. It also helps people search meanings of life, prove soothing effect of religious belief. And take death as lifelong education. This research is separate into two parts: research phase and practice phase. It is unfinished story. Maybe life is vanish finally, but story is never to the end.
頁次 123-152
關鍵詞 骨癌 生命史 癌症 敘說 生活哲學 cancer in the bones life history cancer narrative Life philosophy
卷期 12
日期 200406
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系