

篇名 國小視覺障礙學生數學能力相關因素之探究
並列篇名 Mathematical Abilities of Visual Impaired Students in Elementary Schools and Its Relative Factors
作者 鄭靜瑩
中文摘要 本研究的目的在探求國小視障學生數學能力之相關因素。研究以國民小學數學測驗、觀察表、與訪談題綱為工具,抽取北、中、南、東四區之國小六年級普通班學生及視障學生為測驗對象,並以測驗成績之高分組與低分組視障學生及其相關人員為訪談對象,分別以量與質的方式探求視障學生數學能力之相關因素。研究結果顯示,視障學生數學能力之相關因素除了與視力因素、學習媒介、以及測驗的時間有關外,由訪談資料中,也整理出與「人」、「事」、「物」有關的九項因素。最後研究者針對本研究之研究結果與研究未來之方向做出建議。
英文摘要 The purposes of the study were to investigate the mathematical abilities of students with visual impairement in elementary schools and to study its relative factors. The research methods were consisted of examination, observation, and interview. This study was conducted by using Elementary School Mathematical Test to evaluate the 6th grade students' math abilities. Also, a semi-structured interview was conducted to collect opinions on math abilities from students with visual impairment and their relative persons who were separated into high-scored and low-scored groups The findings indicated that the math abilities of students with visual impairment were relatively poor. In the relative factors, the test scores revealed that students' vision, learning media, and exam time were related to the students' math abilities. In addition, qualitative data indicated that there were three factors exist: people, data, and material factors. Finally, suggestions from the results and for the future studies were provided.
頁次 045-071
關鍵詞 視障學生 數學能力 students with visual impairment mathematical ability
卷期 16
日期 200606
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系