

篇名 英語補救教學實施歷程、影響因素、困難 與因應策略: 一個個案研究
並列篇名 The implementation, influencing factors, difficulties, and coping strategies of English remedial instruction: A case study
作者 周啟葶(Chou,Chi-ting)
中文摘要 近年來,英語補救教學成為台灣高等教育強化學生學習能力的重點。本文檢視台 灣一所技術學院(technical college)英語教學小組成員實施英語補救教學的歷程、遭遇 的困難和因應策略。研究發現,此英語補救教學實施的歷程分為規劃、實施和評鑑三 階段;影響英語補救教學的因素包含社會資源、學校環境、教師和學生層面。進行補 救教學所面臨的困難有小組成員對教學目標的歧見、教材的規劃、教學實施的障礙和 教學評鑑的方法四方面;因應策略有經由討論和溝通解決化解對擬訂教學目標的歧 見、設立補救教學資源專區以協助教師規劃教學內容、提供教學助理和擴大學習資源 以提升教學品質,並且運用學習回饋單了解學生對補救教學的想法。本研究最後根據 研究發現提出對教師、學校和教育主管單位之建議。
英文摘要 In recent years, Taiwan has begun to offer English remedial instruction in higher education to improve students’ learning abilities. This study investigates the implementation of English remedial instruction by a technical college English teaching team and the difficulties and coping strategies they adopted. The study finds that the implementation process can be divided into three stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The factors that influence English remedial instruction include social resources, the school environment, and the teachers and students themselves. The team members encountered four areas of difficulty in remedial instruction, namely, differences in teaching goals, lesson planning, teaching obstacles, and teaching evaluation. Some of the coping strategies they implemented include discussions and communication to overcome differences in teaching goals, collecting remedial instruction resources to facilitate lesson planning to improve teaching quality, and using learning feedback to understand student sentiments regarding remedial instruction. The study concludes by presenting suggestions for teachers, schools, and education authorities based on the research findings.
頁次 113-136
關鍵詞 補救教學 英語教學 個案研究 remedial instruction English teaching case study
卷期 25
日期 201406
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所