

篇名 “沉疴新疾”与“刮骨疗伤”——中小学生“减负难”还能“难于上青天”?
並列篇名 “Severe Illness & New Pain” and “Scraping Bone to Heal” : Why School Children Alleviating Burdens on Study is More Difficulty Than “Climbing up to the Heaven”
作者 宁本涛(Ning, Ben-tao)
中文摘要 中小学生“减负难”与其说是一个“教育问题”,毋宁是一个深层次的“文化和社会 问题”。除了强化政府在中小学生减负中的主导作用和责任外,更为重要的是加快高考制度和 学生日常评价制度改革的步伐。高考改革的趋势应是“宽进严出”,只让符合毕业生标准的人 获得大学文凭。从长远看,国家还应该着力加大对基础教育的投入,推动义务教育包括师资在 内的教育资源均衡发展。在文化变革层面还应转变家长及其利益相关者的教育观念。
英文摘要 The difficulty of alleviating school children,study burdens is rather a “cultural and social problem” than a “school problems”. Except strengthening the government leading function and responsibility, it is more important in accelerating reforms on college entrance examination and students common evaluation system. The current reforms on college entrance examination should become “wide enter and strict out ’’and nobody but normal graduate can win college diploma,on a long view,our state should increase investment in elementary education,and promote educational resources balanced development especially for qualified teachers . At the same time,we should transform the educational concept of parents and stakeholder of a child on the perspective of culture revolution.
頁次 048-095
關鍵詞 中小学生 “减负” 评价制度 师资均衡 school children difficulty of alleviating burdens evaluation system qualified teachers balanced
卷期 8:1
日期 201102
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學