

篇名 嘉義縣學前特殊需求幼兒與一般幼兒主要照顧者的教養態度、問題與親職壓力差異之探究
並列篇名 The Differences of the Parenting Attitudes, Problems and Stress Relationship Between Primary Caregivers of Preschoolers with and with no Special Needs in Chiayi County
作者 張子嫺 、曹純瓊
中文摘要 本研究以自編之「幼兒主要照顧者教養態度與問題調查問卷」(cronbach α= .749)及標準化測驗工具PSI為工具,以等量分配抽樣調查嘉義縣特殊與一般幼兒之主要照顧者各50名之教養態度、問題與親職壓力,以了解關係、年齡、學歷、職業、出生地等變項對其教養態度、問題與親職壓力是否造成顯著差異,以及兩組之教養態度、問題與親職壓力是否有顯著差異。不同變項是否造成兩組在教養態度、問題與親職壓力的顯著差異以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析法(one-way ANOVA)檢定,兩組間教養態度、問題與親職壓力是否呈現顯著差異則以獨立樣本t檢定進行分析。研究結果顯示,(一)不同變項在嘉義縣幼兒主要照顧者在部分教養態度與問題上呈顯著差異,在親職壓力上未有顯著差異;(二)兩組在教養態度、問題與親職壓力上均呈現顯著差異,其中特殊幼兒主要照顧者之親職壓力明顯高於另一組。結論建議嘉義縣早療機構與有特殊教育、幼兒教育等相關科系之大學合作,提供特殊幼兒家長親職教育課程,並提供主要照顧者教養問題之諮詢專線,除改善其親職壓力與問題,更使幼兒發展獲得支持。
英文摘要 Using self-designed “Questionnaires of Parenting Attitudes and Problems for Parents with young children” (cronbach α= .749) and “Standardized Parenting Stress Index”, this current study surveyed the parenting attitudes, problems and parenting stress of 100 primary care-givers of preschoolers with and with no special needs in Chiayi County. One-way ANOVA and the independent t-test were conducted to analyze the differences between the influential background factors, and the groups. The results were as below: 1. the influential background factors of primary caregiver’s brought out differential significances by parenting attitudes and problems, 2. there were also significant differences in the parenting attitudes, problems and parenting stress between primary caregivers of preschool children with and with no special needs, and the former showed higher parenting stress than the latter. Long-term systematic family support was suggested especially for the mothers of preschooler with special needs and immigrant mothers.
頁次 021-041
關鍵詞 主要照顧者 教養態度 親職壓力 primary caregiver parenting attitudes parenting stress
卷期 11
日期 201309
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系