

篇名 本质主义教育研究的审视与反思-基于残疾儿童等少数弱势群体的视角
並列篇名 A Postmodernistic Review on the Essentialism Education Research:Based on Disabled Children
作者 王培峰
中文摘要 本质主义的教育研究一直占据支配地位,致使少数儿童成为本质主义教育研究的“剩余”,且少数儿童教育可能存有被理论“歪曲”等问题。全纳教育对被边缘化的弱势儿童的保护,对教育实质平等的关注,推动着教育研究范式的转变。为此,我们应该坚持本质主义建构和全纳教育批判统一的教育研究路向:一是要保持足够的批判力量,二是要廓清教育研究的视野,三是要关注儿童的境遇和教育事件。
英文摘要 The essential principle education research always occupies the control status. From this brings the question is: The minority child becomes the essential principle education research “surplus”, simultaneously, they “are possibly twisted” by the theory. Inclusive education protection weak trend community, the attention education equality, is impelling the education research model transformation. So, we should Unification way of the essential principle construction and Inclusive education critique unification: One, must maintain the enough critique strength, two is must clean up the education research the field of vision, three is must pay attention to child's circumstances and the education event.
頁次 044-047
關鍵詞 教育研究 本质主义 全纳教育 后现代主义 education research essentialism inclusive education postmodernism
卷期 8:5
日期 201110
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學