

篇名 臺灣樂齡學習中心課程之分析:McClusky需求幅度理論的應用
並列篇名 Analysis of Curriculum of the Active Aging Learning Resource Centers: Application of McClusky’s Margin Theory of Needs
作者 魏惠娟 、胡夢鯨 、陳冠良
中文摘要 本研究目的是以McClusky的需求幅度理論為基礎,建構高齡教育課程分析架構,用以分析我國樂齡中心課程的實施情形,並反思樂齡中心的課程問題。本研究對象為全國排序前三分之一的八十五個樂齡中心課程,應用內容分析的方法來分析其課程。研究發現,我國樂齡中心課程從開課總時數與各類型課程比例來看,以興趣課程最多,占所有開課總時數的56%,其次依序為基本課程(31%)、貢獻影響課程(12%)及超越課程(1%)。綜合研究結果發現,我國樂齡中心的課程開設比例失衡、課程規劃缺乏理論基礎,規劃者對於高齡者的特質、高齡教育課程與學習目標之間沒有連結。本研究提出未來樂齡中心課程規劃、政策方向與後續研究的建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to analyze curriculum of the Active Aging Learning Resources Centers (AALRCs). The study applied Howard McClusky’s concept and theory of education for the older people. Subjects were chosen from one third of 202 AALRCs. The study applied content analysis to analyze selected curriculum. Results of the study reveals that interest courses (56%) followed by the basic courses (31%), service courses (12%) and life courses (1%) are the major types found in the AALRCs curriculum provided in terms of total hours and percentage. The study findings include that courses offered in the AALRCs were lack of balance, theory missing, loosely coupled among learners, objectives and curriculum. Suggestions regarding future curriculum planning, policy and research were provided in this study.
頁次 115-150
關鍵詞 高齡教育目標 高齡教育課程 需求幅度理論 樂齡學習中心課程 the elderly education objectives the elderly education curriculum margin theory of needs
卷期 15
日期 201012
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等