

篇名 促进大学英语课堂教学互动的形式及策略
作者 陈周云
中文摘要 本文指出促进课堂互动是实现向[以学生为中心]的教学模式转变的主要途径,并且指出现代大学课堂的教学四要素主要是学生、教师、媒体与教材,因此课堂互动的主要形式体现为师生之间、生生之间和人机之间的双向、多向甚至网状的互动。本文详细探讨了实施课堂互动的策略:值日报告、小组活动、伙伴互动等。
英文摘要 This paper points out classroom interaction is the main approach to the shift to the students-centered teaching mode on the basis of the insightful analysis of the current college teaching situation and that it is of vital importance to get students fulley involved in classroom tasks based on the relevant theories of psychology for language teachers.    The paper mainly focuses on different classroom interarctions: the interaction between teacher and students; the interaction between and among students; the interaction between students and computers, etc, as well as various strategies to the implement classroom interaction such as duty report, group work and pair work.
頁次 24-26
關鍵詞 课堂互动 [以学生为中心] 值日报告 小组活动 伙伴互动 classroom interation Students-centered Duty report Group work Pair work
卷期 393
日期 200908
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部