

篇名 影響教師專業認同的因果機制:以台東縣國中教師為例
並列篇名 The Causal Mechanism of Affecting Teacher Professional Identity: An Example for Junior High School Teachers in Taitung
作者 楊賀凱 、黃毅志
中文摘要 有了教師專業認同後,才會效忠教職,進而投入工作;所以教師專業認同是重要的變項。不過筆者尚未看到國內針對影響國中、小學教師專業認同之因果機制作量化實證研究的文獻。本研究則根據2005年「台東縣教育長期研究資料庫」之國中教師普查資料,對影響教師專業認同的因果機制做路徑分析,主要發現如下:
二、教師的內控信念、工作滿意度愈高,以及心理幸福中的成就感愈高、人際疏離感愈低,教師專業認同會愈高,模型的R2高達 .46。
英文摘要 With teacher professional identity, teachers will just pledge loyalty to the duty of teaching, and then will devote themselves to jobs. So the teacher professional identity is an important variable. Nevertheless, the authors hadn’t found any domestic quantitative researches to explore the causal mechanism affecting teacher professional identity of elementary and junior high school yet. This research was to analyze causal mechanism influencing teacher professional identity by path analysis based on census data of junior high school teachers in Taitung from “Taitung Educational Panel Survey” conducted in 2005. The main findings of this research were as follows:
1. In Taitung, the average of junior high school teachers’ teacher professional identity is between the medium and the highest.
2. The higher internal locus of control, job satisfaction, and achievement sense, and the lower interpersonal alienation sense teachers have; the higher teacher professional identity they have. R2 of the model is up to .46.
3. Aboriginal teachers’ professional identity is higher than that of Min-Nan teachers because aboriginal teachers have higher job satisfaction and internal locus of control.
頁次 75-114
關鍵詞 job satisfaction locus of control teacher professional identity 心理幸福 工作滿意度 制控信念 教師專業認同 psychological well-being
卷期 8:2
日期 200912
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院