

篇名 由教師課程意識探討學校本位統整課程的實踐行動
並列篇名 School-based Integrated Curriculum Practical Actions: Case of Teacher Curriculum Consciousness
作者 李克難
中文摘要 本文以詮釋學方法論述,從人的「意識」、行動與行為的意向意義、課程實踐行動的自由選擇、決定與教師課程意識覺醒,分析探究一所中學學校本位人文統整課程的締造與實施,以及教師課程意識與校本課程實踐行動相互激發,並討論以行事權、省思與協作等策略,幫助教師課程意識開展,促使學校課程實踐紮根,進而形塑相互學習的學校新文化,提供學生更豐富的學習與經驗,以達成自我實現。
英文摘要 This paper investigates the mutual stimulation of the development and administering of school-based integrated humanities curriculum for secondary schools and the realization of school-based curriculum from the intent and meaning of human consciousness, actions and behaviors; the free choice and decision of curriculum practical actions; and the curriculum consciousness of teachers in a hermeneutic approach. This paper also discussed promoting teacher curriculum consciousness development, school curriculum practice realization, and the establishment of a new school culture for mutual learning to provide students with more comprehensive learning and experiences by agency, reflection and collaboration strategies in order to achieve self-actualization.
頁次 65-92
關鍵詞 practical action school-based integrated curriculum curriculum consciousness 實踐行動 校本統整課程 課程意識
卷期 4:1
日期 200809
刊名 課程研究
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司