

篇名 特殊教育實習教師專業社會化歷程研究
並列篇名 The Professional Socialization of Special Education Intern
作者 胡心慈
中文摘要 專業社會化是指由非專業人員轉變為專業人員的歷程,教育實習是教師專業社會化歷程中非常重要的一個階段。本研究即以特殊教育實習教師為對象,瞭解其於實習期間由學生轉變為老師的過程。本研究以四名於北區實習的特殊教育實習教師為研究樣本,透過各四次的觀察、深度訪談(實習教師與重要他人)與閱讀實習日誌、教學檔案的方式,兼顧個人因素與環境因素,探討特殊教育實習教師在專業社會化上之改變歷程。研究發現:實習教師的專業社會化歷程並非一個直線的、單向的過程,而是在「理論與實際」、「學校科層體制運作」、「教室生活與教學」及「教師團體非正式規範」四個向度間同時交織成長前進。沒有明顯的經歷蜜月期—危機期—動盪期。而是在「分化」與「再統整」間擺盪。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the professional socialization of 4 special education interns. Data were collected through in-depth interviews ,observing and reading their intern diary. The major findings of this study were as follows: The professional socialization of 4 special education interns was proceeding around 4 dimentions, which were "theory and practice", "organization of school", "life of classroom", and" informal group of the teachers". The factors of professional socialization of interns could be divided into the personal and the environment. The personal factors were personality of the intern and the pre-education. The environment factors were mentors, faclty, instructor, parents, the students' features and the curriculum.
頁次 069-089
關鍵詞 特殊教育 實習教師 專業社會化 special education intern intern professional socializtion
卷期 13
日期 200412
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系