

篇名 習慣領域之人類行為八大通性:以動畫詮釋
並列篇名 The Eight Common Tendencies in Human Behavior of Habitual Domains: Explanatory by Animation
作者 楊承亮(Yang, Cheng-liang) 、楊孟翰(Yang, Meng-han) 、余承廉(Yu, Cheng-lian) 、王廷樸(Wang, Ting-pu)
中文摘要 人類行為八大通性是我們習慣領域(HD)裡的核心電網。這些電網代表了共通的社會行為,是人們在一般情況下所表現出來共通的行為型態。這些電網強而有力,很容易佔據我們的注意力,影響我們的思想與行為。為使讀者容易理解與體會其在我們生活中無所不在,以及在教學上提升學習者的學習興趣,本研究突破我們以文字為主的習慣領域,以動畫方式來詮釋人類行為八大通性。
英文摘要 The eight common tendencies in human behavior are the core circuit patterns in our habitual domains. These circuit patterns represent the common social behavior and display the common behavior of people in general. They are robust and easy to catch our attention, and have influences on our. thoughts and behavior. In order to make people easy to understand and realize they exist everywhere in our life, and to promote the learner's motivation, we break through our habitual domains. That is, we use animation rather than text to interpret the eight common tendencies in human behavior.
頁次 169-180
關鍵詞 習慣領域HD 行為八大通性 腦力激盪 行為動畫詮釋 Habitual Domains HD Eight Common Behavior Tendencies Brainstorming Behavior Explained by Animation
卷期 1:2
日期 201006
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會