

篇名 從縣市督學工作場域論其所需專業能力
並列篇名 A Study of the County/ City Supervisors' Professional Competences from the Viewpoint of the Real Work Field
作者 李雯琪(Wen- Chi Li)
中文摘要 本研究旨在從真實工作場域的觀點,探討縣市督學所需專業能力。期從現場出發 能更貼近問題結構面,了解督學工作現場實際情形與其所需專業能力。 首先,從督學的工作現場著手,將各縣市督學工作職掌進行分析,整合為6 大工 作範疇為訪談基礎;進而以質性研究方法,深度訪談8 位縣市督學以蒐集資料,從縣 市督學角度了解其在進行相關業務時所需之專業能力。 本研究結果發現督學所需之 11 項專業能力,包括嫻熟相關教育法令、掌握教育 政策脈動、深入了解學校運作、善用溝通協調、資源整合、覺察力、危機處理、查案 技巧、領導管理、自學力、自制力等。最後,根據研究結果提出三項結論與三點建議, 期望做為相關人員之參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss county/ city supervisors’ professional competences from the viewpoint of their real work field. To achieve these goals, job-analysis from business responsibilities was adopted, and 6 work categories were integrated to be the basis of questionnaire. Further, eight county/city supervisors were interviewed. The study finally constructed 11 professional competences. Including being familiar with relevant educational laws and regulations, mastering educational policies, understanding school operation model, communication and coordination skills, resource integration, perception of competence, crisis management, investigative skill, leadership and management, self- study, and self-control ability. Through the analysis of data and discussion, there were three conclusions and three suggestions in this study.
頁次 001-024
關鍵詞 工作場域 專業能力 縣市督學 county/city supervisors professional competences work field
卷期 28/29
日期 201606
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所