

篇名 A Study of Brain-Based Learning Theory Applied to English Language Learning
並列篇名 大腦學習理論之運用對英語學習之研究
作者 郭豊莉(Kuo,Li-li) 、林玉霞(Lin,Yu-shia) 、成宇光(Cheng,Yu-kuang)
中文摘要 本研究探討應用大腦學習理論是否會增進英文學習效率。以 150 位台灣大一新 生為研究對象,使用進階版的英文分班測驗,將其分為三組英文能力相同之班級。 其中一組為控制組:授予傳統學習課程,另兩組為實驗組:分別接受聽力輔助教導與 視聽輔助教導兩種不同之教學課程。研究目的在探索以大腦學習理論為基礎之兩種 實驗教學方法,對學習效益是否有顯著差異。實驗結果顯示授予傳統教學及聽力輔 助教導之班級無顯著之影響,而接受英文視聽輔助教導之班級表現顯著之進步。研 究顯示運用非傳統之視聽並進之補充學習教材之教學方法,比傳統方式更能增進學 生之英文學習成效,因為視覺與聽覺共同刺激可以增進大腦神經間之交互作用,從 而加速外語學習之效率。
英文摘要 This study investigates whether brain-based learning theory accelerates English learning. Based on an advanced English placement test, one hundred and fifty Taiwanese college freshmen were equally divided into one control group receiving traditional learning instruction, and two experimental groups, one taught with audio-assisted instruction and the other with audio-visual aided instruction. It explored whether the above two experimental teaching methods, based on brain learning theory, were able to demonstrate meaningful differences among learners. The results revealed that the participants receiving traditional instruction and audio-assisted instruction showed no significant effects; however, those who were taught English with audio-visual aided instruction achieved statistically significant higher performances. They imply that the alternative approach of using audio-visual supplemental learning material improved students’ learning to a greater extent than the other methods because the combination of visual and aural stimuli triggered more brain interaction to accelerate foreign language processing.
頁次 043-056
關鍵詞 大腦學習理論 聽力輔助教導 視聽輔助教導 外語習得 brain-based learning theory audio-assisted instruction audio-visual aided instruction EFL
卷期 12:2
日期 201407
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學