

篇名 教师之适度宽容试探
並列篇名 Initial Investigation on Teachers' Proper Tolerance
作者 丁金花 、鞠玉翠
中文摘要 宽容是个体的一项重要品质,在学校道德氛围建设中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。而教育场景中教师对宽容的忽视和不解,在潜移默化中对学生的健康发展构成了损害。文章首先厘定了宽容的四个基本要素,即: 差异存在,产生否定反应,对干涉意愿的克制以及进一步有所作为。在此基础上将教师的“宽容”问题分为“不宽容”“伪宽容”和“过度宽容”,最后指导教师走向适度的宽容,其内容包括: 宽容差异、宽容过错、宽容冒犯。
英文摘要 Tolerance is an important property for individuals and plays an indispensable role in building up ethics in schools.Somehow teachers’ignorance and misunderstanding towards tolerance has unconsciously hampered students’healthy development.This article has defined four basic elements for tolerance: different opinions,negative reactions,suppressions against interference and next solid steps. On the basis of the four elements,teachers’tolerance issues can be classified as non-tolerance,hypo-tolerance and over-tolerance. Finally teachers are guided to tolerate differences,mistakes and offence.
頁次 025-057
關鍵詞 宽容 适度 差异 过错 冒犯 proper tolerance difference tolerance mistake tolerance offence tolerance
卷期 10:1
日期 201302
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學